jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

Oxford Online Learning Zone

Hola familias, la editorial con la que estamos trabajando (Oxford) ofrece una plataforma de aprendizaje online para vuestros hijos e hijas. Os he mandado un email donde viene el código de activación y las instrucciones para el registro.
En esta plataforma online podéis acceder a muchos contenidos como juegos, canciones, las letras de todas las canciones, etc.

Si pincháis en este enlace, os llevará a un archivo pdf donde se explican los pasos a seguir:

Registro del alumno

Cualquier duda que tengáis os atenderé encantada.

Un saludo! See you!!

Teacher Sole

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Halloween is coming!

Halloween is one of our favourite holidays! I think it´s such a great time for learning, that I have posted a lot of resources (songs, printable flashcards, worksheets and games) for you to use at home with your kids. 

It's "Who Took The Cookie?" with a super simple Halloween twist! Find out who took the candy with this chant. 

"Knock Knock, Trick Or Treat?" is the perfect kids' song for Halloween.
Created for ages 3 and up. 

This simple jack-o'-lantern song is great for learning and reviewing parts of the face vocabulary.

It's a Super Simple Halloween counting song, Five Creepy Spiders! 
Created for ages 3 and up.

This song teaches the emotions happy, angry, sad, and scared.

Practice sharing with this simple Halloween counting song!

This trick or treatin song is very good for describing tastes and foods!

♫ Trick or treat?
Trick or treat?
Give me something
good to eat.
Apples, peaches, tangerines.
Happy Happy Halloween.
Trick or treat?
Trick or treat?
Give me something
sweet to eat.
Cookies, chocolate, jelly beans.
Happy Happy Halloween.
Trick or treat?
Trick or treat?
Give me something sour to eat.
Lemons, grapefruits, limes so green.
Happy Happy Halloween.
Trick or treat?
Trick or treat?
Give me something good to eat.
Nuts and candy. Lollipops.
Now it's time for us to stop. 

This song works is fantastic to start a Halloween party or performance with.

♫ Hello, my friends. (Hello, my friends.)
I'm so happy
to see you.
Hello, my friends. (Hello, my friends.)
Let's go trick-or-treating. 
Witches and ghosts. (Witches and ghosts.)
Cowboys, pirates, and monsters.
Spiders and bats. (Spiders and bats.)
Let's go trick-or-treating.
Hello, my friends. (Hello, my friends.)
I'm so happy to see you.
Hello, my friends. (Hello, my friends.)
Let's go trick-or-treating.
Let's go trick-or-treating. ♫


Here you are some Halloween headbands:


lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

I see something blue

Para aprender los colores suelo jugar con los niños a "I see something..." (el popular juego de "Color color...", sacado de las canciones de Super Simple Songs. Hace poco sacaron los vídeos y os lo presento para que los veáis con vuestros hij@s. ¡Espero que os guste!

In order to learn colors, I use to play "I see something..." with children. It´s original from Super Simple Songs. They recently presented the videos and I show you here so that you can watch them with your children. I hope you like it!

Cd de audio Oxford Splash

Hola familias, informaros de que a lo largo de la semana iré repartiendo a vuestros hij@s el Cd de audio del método Oxford Splash. Este Cd contiene todas las canciones que van a aprender los niñ@s en clase, para que las podáis escuchar en casa o en el coche.

Recordaros que hoy he empezado a trabajar con el libro, concretamente con el nivel de 5 años, así que les podéis preguntar qué tal les ha parecido, a qué nuevos personajes han conocido, de quién era hoy el cumpleaños...

Un saludo

Teacher Sole

Hi! I´d want you to know that during this week I´ll be delivering the Class book´s Cd. It´s for you, in order to listen all the songs at home, car...

Today I have started to work with the book, with the 5 year old children. If you want you can ask them if they liked the class, which new chararcters they have known, whose birthday it was...

Sincerely yours

Teacher Sole

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Autumn has come!

This video is destinated to 3 years old children. It shows how to count to 3 and the fall colors: red, orange and yellow. I hope you like it!